Eagle pin numbers - my new part

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Active Member
I'm designing a board in Eagle (5.3.0) and am having a small problem. I've built a new part (3M Micro SD socket) and it's all working fine except I can't figure out how to get my pins to show as 1,2,3... instead of P$5,P$6,P$7...

Here's what I get:

Obviously I want the pins to be numbered like the MAX3232CSE above it. What am I missing?
You have to rename them in the library package editor by clicking the toolbar button with resistor R2 on it.

You have to rename them in the library package editor by clicking the toolbar button with resistor R2 on it.
That's what I thought at first, but that changes the names DAT2, CD/DAT3, etc. It doesn't change the pin numbers.

EDIT: Oops! I see what you mean now. I was trying to do it in the symbol editor. You are correct sir! Thanks very much!
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Are you in the symbol editor instead of the package editor.

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