eagle schematic (meternome) plz help.......................

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Why Eagle?

I find Eagle a pain in the ass to use for simple pcb design, unless you intend to have the board made professionally.

Are you intending to make your own board?

I use ExpressPCB to design my artwork, no fancy crap, just the basic artwork tools, that allows you to place things where you need, and how you want them.

Its free to download the trial package and is more than the home hobbiest needs.

SABorn: I believe sanjubluerock3 asked for a schematic made with Eagle, not a PCB. I have found Eagle to be superior to ExpressSCH (schematic version of ExpressPCB) in both its component library AND its usability.

sanjubluerock3: Are you asking how to do it yourself, or do you want someone to do it for you? I would be happy to do it myself but I recommend you try. What is the problem you are having?

Der Strom
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Why not use Eagle?

It's such a PITA that I finished the design within 20 minutes.

Using Express PC where you place your parts as you want you don't have the guarantee that they are connected properly.

Designing a schematic and port those data to the PCB editor the failure rate will decrease to zero - provided you didn't change grid size to any odd numbers missing to connect devices properly.

I strongly recommend using C4 and C5 for proper decoupling of the timer IC.



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Hi sanjubluerock3,

I'm using version 3.55 (fully professional) and don't see any reason why to upgrade.

You can use the files with any newer version. If you get error messages concerned with "restring" just ignore them.

If you want the files please PM me your full name and email address.


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