Eagle schematic tutorial

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Well-Known Member
I wrote up a Eagle tutorial for another user on this forum, but I thought, what the heck someone else might find it useful so I am posting it here. Feel free to say it sucks or whatever. Useful comments would be better though.


  • Eagle Cad Tutorial.doc
    323.5 KB · Views: 931
oh i think this is helpful for others.
btw it might be better if u post in .pdf than in .doc type.

Hi Mike,

nice work!

Just let me point out that there is no such thing as a "resistor" library.

A newcomer might search for days without finding it. It is called "rcl" library and contains resistors, capacitors and inductors.

Also, a newcomer will find it a miracle how you turned the resistors from horizontal to vertical.

I didn't see any word explaining the function "move" and "rotatate".

Rotating parts is easy if the procedure is known. (right mouse button).

If you don't mind I'll add the missing text parts and mail them to you.

You might then decide to revise your tutorial.

Last not least a standard symbol for timer ICs is not the best bet. Pins are normally too close together to make a clean symbol and an easy to read schematic layout.

I made up an extra library for timer ICs depending on the purpose of the timer chip. Monostable timers require a different pin layout than astable ones.

Sometimes it might not be feasable to have the power pins in the symbol, e.g. when a couple of digital ICs is involved. In that case I separate the power pins from the symbol and (invoke) use them together with the power pins of the digital ICs to make a separate supply block.

Symbols are attached. Pin (pad) numbers will be visible in the device when placed on the sheet.


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