Eagle - track / pad junction diameter

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Is the bit highlighted in yellow ok (i.e. acceptable design practice) or should the track be narrower than the pad when they merge?

Also, is there anyway to make Eagle only lay track angles at 45deg 'on the fly'? At present I only know they are not at 45deg when I do a design check and they are highlighted, necessitating moving tracks / components around to get the correct angle.

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Thanks in advance for any help.
The tool bar for routing will have a dogleg icon. Click on it to get auto 45° angles.



  • routing.gif
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just an add-on.

The marked symbol is used for left hand "turns". To turn right click the right mouse button twice - as you can use to change during routing.

If there are any doubts about a correct 45degree angle use layer 20 or 21 and a trace width of zero. Draw a 45degree reference line on top of the trace and move the trace if it is not aligned with that line.

When done erase the reference line. To make sure you erase the reference line only, disable the layer (1 or 16) of the trace you've just corrected.


Is the bit highlighted in yellow ok (i.e. acceptable design practice) or should the track be narrower than the pad when they merge?

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Thanks in advance for any help.

Are you etching the board yourself? If so, then the wide track at the pad is OK. It is not considered good design practice though, as it (supposedly) makes the joint more difficult to solder. (I have never had problems soldering a similar joint, myself.)
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