Eagle ULP scripter? Need a favor...

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Erm... I don't suppose I could ask for a HUGE favor from an Eagle ULP scripter (or someone who wants to learn)?

So, you know the OSHW logo ULP script and how it draws the pretty pic of any size anywhere on the pcb layout?

I need a script to do that -- for my own logo. I don't suppose anyone out there would be willing to give it a crack? I'd owe ya one...

Ok, I guess this is lame of me. It's not that I can't figure it out. It's more like I'm so slammed with life that the few moments of time I have left to devote to robotics and electronics doesn't leave room for hassling with ULP for a couple hours. Oh woe... woe is me...

All I want in life (ok, I'm being facetious) is to put my little "bot thoughts" logo of arbitrary size on the top silk of my new Propeller PDIP breakout board... *sniff* *puppy dog eyes* pretty please help?

Thanks in advance,

Cool, thanks!! I'll check it out!

EDIT: drat. Doesn't do arcs.

Also, I'm aware there's a script to import bitmaps so I might fall back on that. They look a bit poopy but beggars can't be choosers Ideally I'd like a script that generates arcs/lines/circles ala the OSHW logo ULP but... short of finding someone willing to give it a go for me, ... ?
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I had one once, but I can't remember where it was located. 10 minutes and it may be locatable,


EDIT: I found the file, here: **broken link removed**
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