As for the Early Voltage thing.
Electronman, I'm certain that Early voltage effect is a fascinating subject, a nuance of electronics that is worth noting. But to be honest, this is the first time I've ever heard of it. Some of these less known phenomenon (generally) are not worth mentioning in practical electronics application. Their effects are only seen at extreme frequencies or highly specialized applications.
I take it from your posts that you are either a student or a very inquisitive hobbyist just starting to learn. You seem to grasp some of the complex concepts, and yet ask many questions about fundamental theory too. This is good, I applaud your tenacity. I would recommend, however, that you shouldn't bog yourself down or focus too much on concepts that aren't fundamental, universal, or broad in scope, or that don't have immediate and noteworthy consequences in circuit analysis or design. In other words, don't hang on every trivial word you read, you'll miss the important stuff.