Earthquake Armageddon?

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As I've already pointed out, evidence that melting contented ice causes dramatic geological events were well documented long before anyone ever heard of man-made global warming. So, to make the claim that the scientists warn that well known cause and effect might hold for present ice melts are dooms day, fear mongering or any other smear you can claim is quite absurd. It's the business of scientists to try to predict the effects of future events. For example, it's clear that hurricane warning and prediction has saved countless lives. In the days before such predictions and tracking, people living in the path of hurricanes had no warning or any chance to evacuate the storms, and the effects on human life were devastating. These days, thanks to early warning and other mitigation efforts, lives lost are typically much lower, at least in the US. Katrina was the one exception, in no small part because the damage was amplified by the failure of man-made levies. And I'll point out once again, for the hard of reading, no data has proposed to show that earthquakes are caused by man made CO2.
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