EarthQuake in Christchirch

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I just heard about this too. I think the news said magnitude 7.0 !? or somthing like that
a magnitude of 7.1 as reported on is really BAD. Hope the public at large are safe.
Any trace of TSUNAMI as feared by some?
"TheHindu" an Indian News site has this info and as per that , the magnitude is much higher like 7.4
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hi guys. I'm all right, and so is everyone in Christchurch apart from 2 people who have been seriously injured. It was a 7.1 and there is a lot of damage around the city as the picture above shows.

It was pretty scary though, I woke at 4:35am to the house shaking and quickly got up with my partner, jumped in the car to drive up the Port Hills for a safer place. Waited until there was confirmation about no tsunami and headed back home to start checking on friends and family! Today there is a lot of damage around the city and a lot of people have no water or power.. Everyone is very lucky!

If you're interested have a look at some of these pictures:
Christchurch earthquake's destruction - National - NZ Herald Pictures

Thanks for your support guys!
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