earthquake in New Zealand

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Yes he is, it looks bad on the news - apparently caused by a previously unknown fault line under Christchurch, so presumably there were no earthquake restrictions on the buildings?. The cathedral looked bad, badly damaged and the spire has collapsed, they aren't even sure there aren't people under the rubble yet.
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lets all hope he is ok and lets spare a thought for those who arnt............. i had no idea he was in NZ
It is comforting news, that E M is Fine.

We really feel sad about the quake and the damage it caused. I join many others wishing faster restoration to normalcy( i know it takes time), and admire the brave citizens of the town Christchurch.

Pray the almighty for the souls of the departed to rest in peace.

More of concern, is the state and faster recovery of people trapped (as it could be possible) . Sincerely hope and look for their early restoration.

Incidentally, NZ is lucky not to get troubled by the cyclone, as CNN reports that cyclone is likely to take off course from NZ.
Atleast it helps to serve the troubled humanity of the area.
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According to the news, power is out in many areas, and water as well - hopefully Electromaster either can't get on-line, or is to busy to.
Okay, this time I'm sure--I sent EM a private message, and he just answered (I hope it's ok if I post this) :

ElectroMaster said:
Hi, myself and family are okay. The house i was in is destroyed and im staying at friends. No water, no power.. Thanks for your message
NZ is being hammered right now.

Stay safe people. With the weather as crazy as it is now...we might be next.

Glad to hear you and your family are OK ElectroMaster.

TV Tech
Glad to see EM and his family are OK and I was worried about another member 'Shawn' but he got into chat yesterday quickly and said well it's a bit shaky here.... So it looks like Shawn got out OK but he didn't say if his place was damaged.

Regards Bryan
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the kind words of support. It's such a tragic event and is really hard to imagine that this is the second time in 6 months. This quake was far worse than the first in terms of lost lives, injury and damage to the city.

I'm very happy to say that I have survived without injury and the same with my family and friends - we are all very lucky. There are however, many that have not been as lucky which make me feel terrible and rather helpless. The house that I was staying at (which I was in at the time of the quake) is unsafe to live in so I've had to relocate. I'm now safe out in the country, I have food, water and power (+internet!) - thanks to a friend putting me up.

Once again thank you for your concern. It's greatly appreciated.

Phil (EM)
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