Earth's daily and yearly motions

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ronsimpon what is the (only) earth's daily and yearly motions in mph and what is the uncertainty (standard diviation). What does NASA say. Did you know that someone said that Maxwell's equations are vector equations yet don't represent a vector field. Has there ever been an openly gay astronut, in NASA. Oh Buss, more, more, harder, I'm about to become a uni vector.
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Daily rotation is obviously 1 turn/day. On equator that would be 40,000 km/day or 1,700 km/h - about 1,000 mph. Since they post leap second corrections every two months or so, the standard deviation is about 1/5,000,000 of that value or about 1 foot/hr.
What about the earth's yearly motion? Is a sewer rat affected by the accumulation of sewer material by the earth's yearly motion in the x direction, near the equator?
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Did you know that someone said that Maxwell's equations are vector equations yet don't represent a vector field.

Nobody in this forum ever said that. Nobody outside this forum ever said that.

You seem to enjoy lying. If the moderators choose not to ban you for lying, then I will happily identify every lie you tell.

You seem to enjoy spreading obviously false information. If the moderators choose not to ban you for spreading errors and misinformation, then I will happily identify the mistakes you make and the errors you try to propagate.

I'm not too worried about it because 99 percent of the people here will know you are wrong, and the remaining 1% will quickly learn that fact as you begin to lie more and more, and continue to endorse more and more ridiculously false theories.
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edited. A wise post below though .
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The Earth is Flat. If you walk too far you will fall off it.
That is why so many people go missing every year.

Amen and Good Night.
.........."So congratulations for discovering that our "space" is broken and j=k." Did you know that Einstein's relativity is based on the earth daily and yearly motions. Did you know that they also have a scalar EM wave theory already to go.
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Hi steveB

A Troll. Leave it...

Ignore it please. Rather let it argue it's "cleverness" on another Forum.
You could be spending your time on more deserving Members...Ignore it. It will go away.

I can let a troll leave unscientific nonsense in the Member's lounge and ignore it. It's of no consequence to me or anyone else. But, I will always identify lying in any forum, particularly when it is directed at me. It's just a matter of principle. Even if everyone sees it is a lie, I prefer to point to it. I would also prefer that people that tell blatant lies be banned for the practice, but that is not up to me. I only have the power to point.

In the Math&Physics forum I also feel there is a principle to identify unscientific ideas/approaches and math errors, which I've done there. Again, I would prefer that people that deliberately (or, so it seems) post math and science mistakes there be banned, but that is not up to me. I only have the power to correct mistakes.
Very noble of you..steveB


A scalar wave is a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it.

In physics, a quantity described as "scalar" only contains information about its magnitude. In contrast, a "vector" quantity contains information both about its magnitude and about its direction. By this definition, a "scalar wave" in physics would be defined as any solution to a "scalar wave equation".[4] In contrast, electromagnetic waves are vector quantities derived as solutions to a set of vector wave equations (in this case Maxwell's equations).

The concept of a "scalar field theory"[5] also exists, and plays an important role in several branches of physics. In fact, it is believed that the Higgs boson may provide the first evidence of such a field (the Higgs field is hypothesized to be a scalar field).
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