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Easter break

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We have half term Friday, i had hoped to hand in MKII Friday ready for the exams starting day after we go back. I have had NO END of problems with the MKII. The time frame was way over ambitious hence why I have posted 4am in the morning some times :D.
I should have it ready over the holidays if I sort two final niggles out. I cant believe despite the complexity of it my problems have mainly been highly irritating silly things.

Major problem 1) It refused point blank to start up, I checked everything from the power supply to every board and circuit, all voltages correct and everything hunky dory, yet the moment I select start and the system does a self check it went through the first 10 seconds of check then died!! Time after time! Had me stumped for 3 days. The is a switch between the main controller and the backup controller, the idea is if you try and start it and havnt checked the backup system it wont start, so the last switch you throw is the isolation switch between main and aux circuit.
That way when it does a self check if it dosnt see the aux circuit it throws a fault and flashes a led.

The switch was dud, but not a normal easy dud, oh no too easy!! It would switch fine and show a voltage (3.3V) and draw around <100mA, so during the self test this part was passing, but as soon as the power boards were being tested the switch was seeing just over 1A. The switch is rated for 240V 5A, but at 1A the contacts must have been damaged and they heated up and opened. So it caused a fault but indicated the motor board. Tore my hair out until out of frustration I changed it and a few other switches, bingo was working again.
I have mashed the switch with a hammer every time I have hit a problem, its kept on the bench for this purpose now.

I have two other problems, one i am pretty sure is a ADC on a chip thats playing up, but the chip had to be hardsoldered into the board, and would be a pain to swap out, I dont see any other choice though but to strip out the carefully positioned and weighted boards and redo it.

The other problem i am certain is a code change, but the last 3k of code has got spaghetti as I was rushing to finish on time, this is going to be a night mare! I could fudge it for now but it will annoy the hell out of me!! But considering I had 12 months to do it in and then had that cut to under three months I am pretty happy.

I wanted different motors for more power and longer battery life, but would have taken too long to get them and change the mounts and re balance. I have gone with 8 out runners but preying I can get away with mainly 4 on at a time and 6 for certain things, the 8 will only be needed all at once if it has to bank really hard.

Anyone else get these last min frustrations when up against a tight dead line? why is it only silly things that go wrong? After the exam I am free to publish the whole project and apparently its going to be on BBC click program! (if it dosnt go up in smoke :D).
Good luck, LG. Thanks for the update.

Perseverance is a virtue (at times I'm pretty sure it's the only virtue :banghead:).

As you well know, it is extremely rare that problems are obvious. Given the complexity your drone project, it's remarkable there haven't been many, many more issues. Take comfort in the fact that so much else of the machine work as well as they do.
... apparently its going to be on BBC click program...
"Click. Your user-friendly guide to the latest technology news, issues, gadgets and ... "

Very impressive. I remember you said something about making the videos of the school test available - is that still on?
Anyone else get these last min frustrations when up against a tight dead line? why is it only silly things that go wrong? After the exam I am free to publish the whole project and apparently its going to be on BBC click program! (if it dosnt go up in smoke :D).

Yes, they are standard. Don't worry, it is just God having a bit of fun. Trivial faults, like switches not working are one of his special little jokes. He normally commands there faults if:
(1) You design a particularly innovative circuit and you are testing the central function for viability. At this time look out for, mains power cuts, bench collapsing, famine, pestilence, earth tremor.
(2) It is 4am in the morning.
(3) Management/tutors have come to view the project working
(4) You have traveled miles away from base to check your equipment and it is mounted up in a mountain or other inaccessible position.
(5) The moment the customer arrives for a demonstration.
(6) And finally the first unit off the production line.

In my experience, switches, including relays, are one of the most unreliable components for two reasons. The first is that many are simply badly designed and made and the second is that they are often incorrectly applied. The characteristics and capabilities of switches, especially the contact material, is surprisingly complicated. It is easy to be blase and say a switch is just a switch and slap one into a circuit without too much thought, but they should be assessed for max min current, max min voltage and life just like any other component. On one hand there is a temptation to specify a switch that will just handle the current required by the circuit, say a 1A switch to switch the power to a circuit consuming 1A and on the other hand to specify the same switch to switch a couple of micro amps. Both situations are liable to cause problems.

Thought provoking post on switches there, Spec.
Glad it's going so well LG. Proud of you.
How's the hand, btw?
the material will be available, not sure if before or after they broadcast as I am going to be paid £40 for it, but will get told all that after it done (assuming the thing works on the day!!).
The switch is my fault, its just a switch and does nothing much and in my cost cutting program I chose a cheap one hung low, I brought 50 of them for peanuts and 49 of them have worked flawlessly. Guess which of the 50 didnt work properly?

Click BBC came out the left field and I didnt know anything about it until Monday afternoon when it was casually dropped on me! I am a big fan of the program which is why I probably forgot to haggle the fee.

My hand has healed really well but I might have nerve damage as I have lost some touch sensitivity, apparently this my well come back in a couple of months.

I would like two more months to tidy the project and maybe 3 weeks on top to write it up better, but cramming 12 months into 3 months was never going to be pretty! This is my second to last multi rotor project, I am going to do a micro one for a friend of mine and after that me and multi rotors part company! I am building a RC plane for a specific purpose and personally I prefer planes, multi rotors were ok before they decided to make kits etc and now anyone can have one. Been on a RC forum and had no end of arguments on ESC for motors and quads, they will not have it that even a 50A ESC is not faulty when you fly it for a day by changing battery pack after battery pack! Then they wonder why the little smd MOSFETS get hot and fail, I try and post data sheets showing junction temps and recommended copper surface area for cooling etc but apparently smd MOSFET for the RC world are special and dont obey normal thermal rules.

There is loads I would change on the MKII if I had time, for a start it's sexist! I have no idea why but it dosnt recognize male faces! It isnt meant to actually recognize the person but just recognize that a face is human, only mine dosnt recognize male faces as human! No idea why its a glitch in the mathlab code I did and i dont have time to sort it.
Time wise it gets one shot at the task and cant make any mistakes as the battery capacity is right on the edge, this was again down the the silly price jump between the batteries I am using and the next grade up, you go from £50 a pack to £350 a pack. Even if I could afford it I wouldnt spend the money for an extra 12 mins of flight time.

I redid the frame completely but this time I didnt have enough time to cnc or machine it all from aluminum, instead most was done in wax then a composite overlay and then the wax melted out leaving a hollow, its 60% lighter but also around 12% weaker, but still plenty strong enough.

I could have made it stronger with more composite but opted for the weight reduction as I was getting desperate to get extra flight time. 6 motors are on lone :D so lets hope I dont fry any lol. Turnigy offered me some in exchange for me put some of there stickers on the drone, I decline as I dont like the motors they offered. Silicon labs donated the 3 main processors as engineering samples, these are not in production until December. All I can say on the processors is they have a ARM cortex core and WOW, I have used there 32 bit M3 and M4 cortex chips alot, but this new one is something else! It makes the average smart phone look dumb ;).

I might not be arounf much as exams straight after the break, but I am working on MR DEBS project as I will submit something similar for art exam (if the chip ever gets here!), The one i origanaly ordered looks like its coming from China, it was only £2, the others I have seen in the UK are around £15??? How can they charge that for such an old chip??
I might not be arounf much as exams straight after the break, but I am working on MR DEBS project as I will submit something similar for art exam (if the chip ever gets here!), The one i origanaly ordered looks like its coming from China, it was only £2, the others I have seen in the UK are around £15??? How can they charge that for such an old chip??

The ones from China are counterfeit and the UK ones are genuine?
The ones from China are counterfeit and the UK ones are genuine?
So are you trying to tell me my £2.50 ROLEX watch from China might not be the real deal?? It might explain why the second hand moves backwards :D
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