Easy cool project

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Active Member
You know the spotlights that cops have on their cars? Well I wanted one :lol:
I bought a 50W halogen light from allelectronics for $2.50: https://www.allelectronics.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=search&item=HLP-503&type=store

I then put it inside of a 2" piece of ABS pipe (because its black :lol: ) you can use PVC too. I also put a 2" cap on the back where I put a panel mount toggle switch and drilled a hole to put a wire through so that I can hook it up to my truck battery. I wanted to put a cigarette lighter plug on the end but I didn't have one. You can see how I held it inside the pipe, with four screws, in a square if you're looking straight on at it. Two to hold the bottom and two to hold the top. I just got to thinking that one way I could've improved the design would be to have a piece of plexiglass on the front holding it in and the two screws on the back but ah well :wink:

It's only about 6" from front to back. It works GREAT! take a look at the photos. I drove by a party and shined it at all the kids, must've gave 'em a bit of a scare :twisted:

EDIT: I just realized I should've posted this in projects, afterall the subject says: Easy cool project. Maybe a moderator could move it for me? Well that was stupid :x


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zachtheterrible said:
EDIT: I just realized I should've posted this in projects, afterall the subject says: Easy cool project. Maybe a moderator could move it for me? Well that was stupid :x

It's hardly worthy of the name 'project' is it? - connecting two wires to a 12V bulb!. I think this forum is probably the best place for it!.

BTW, a friend of mine made a headlight for his bicycle in this same way about ten years ago (except he used aluminium tubing), he powered it from a small lead acid battery strapped to the frame.
Well its not so much the connecting of wires, but how I used the screws to hold it in the pipe and stuff.

But whatever you think . . .
looking at the top picture one would think that this light somehow produces lot's of vibrations
Can it light-up the moon? :?:
I think my ultra-bright LED chasers do. :lol:
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