easy PIC programmer

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New Member
I am new in PIC world, with a lot of programming experience but poor knowledge in electronics.
I found this programmer, which seems very easy to build:

**broken link removed**

I like to know if it works ok and any information about it.
I intend to use the PIC 16F628.

What is the meaning of:
"... read "OSCCAL(internal OSCillator CALibration) word" and "BG(BandGap calibration) bits" in a device first..."
can i recommend building a parallel programmer.. only because i have read of people having a lot of trouble with serial programmers..
nigel has a schematic on his site for a nice parallel programmer..
misha said:
I like to know if it works ok and any information about it.
I intend to use the PIC 16F628.

What is the meaning of:
"... read "OSCCAL(internal OSCillator CALibration) word" and "BG(BandGap calibration) bits" in a device first..."

As williB has alreadymentioned, I would recommend a parallel port programmer - the P16PRO40 on my site is available very cheaply as a kit from many places.

The 16F628 is a good choice to start with, it's the main processor used in my tutorials, you might find them useful.

The OSCCAL word and BG bits are factory setup information stored inside some PIC's (but not the 628) - it's vital to read and restore these settings during the programmin/erasing process. The programmer software 'should' do this for you, mine does!.
mine doesnt :lol: :lol:
havnt gotten that far yet...

Pardon my question but I want to know if the 16PRO40 programs the "A" class chips e.g 16f628A, 16f877A and the like ?
it doesnt depend on the hardware. the P16PRO40 will program all PICs provided the software has the capability. and one thing more, they are not A-class PICs they are just silicon revisions of their predecessor. usually the A chips have an AUSART and they are flash devices.

lucky for you, the latest beta of Nigel's software (WinPicProg) can program a number of A chips like the 628A and the 877A

Only some of the A series revisions are FLASH, many of them are still EEPROM. As you say samcheetah, the A merely signifies a later version of silicon - FLASH is often just an advertising ploy, started first by Atmel, if I remember correctly?.

lucky for you, the latest beta of Nigel's software (WinPicProg) can program a number of A chips like the 628A and the 877A

Yes, the hardware isn't any different, just the software - and only for some chips, basically the true FLASH ones!.
I'm currently doing this right now, this is what I came up with: (the x's are connections to the 40 pin socket that dont go to the other 2 sockets
40 pin - pin on other sockets
1- xxxx
3- 1 (8pin)
6- 4 (8pin)
15- 5 (20 pin)
16- 6 (20 pin)
23- 13(20 pin)
24- 14(20 pin)
25- 15(20 pin)
31- xxx
32- xxx
36- 6 (8pin)
37- 7 (8pin)
38- 8 (8pin)
39- xxx
40- xxx
go to this page **broken link removed**

the schematic has all the info about placing different PICs for programming with this programmer.

P.S: you can also download these files from Nigel's site.
grandestlama said:
So how does one wire up 18, 20 and 40 pin sockets for the 16Pro without the ZIF socket ?
Fit a 40 pin low profile socket (with the center removed),then fit 2 20
pin sockets inside the 40 pin.
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