EC103D SCR Thyristor equivalent.

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New Member
Hi, I haven't made anything electronic since my school days.

I really want a sound activated trigger for my photography flash gun so have taken up the challenge of making the sound trigger from the hiviz website. The thing is, being in the UK, the postage comes to as much as the parts.

I have managed to source all the parts here though, but one component costs £2.50 each here in the uk for something costing only 50 cents in the US, and I need 3!

The part in question is the EC103D SCR Thyristor

What I was wondering is how do I go about finding a different component that would do the same job, for a more reasonable sum of money?

Thanks in advance,

So not knowing what parts might be cheap in the UK, I suggest doing a Google search for SCRs with a similar rating (sensitive gate, 0.8A, 400V), and/or look at what similar devices are available at UK suppliers such as Maplin. Devices with a higher voltage and/or current rating should be ok for your purposes.
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