ECCP module as CCP module

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New Member
i am working on a project using pic16f1936.
this chip has 5 capture/compare/pwm module.there are 3 ECCP module and 2 CCP module.
i want to use two ccp module on same port (for example two CCP module on PORTC).but in the pic16f1936 chip has different ccp modules are spreaded.
how to use ECCP module as standard CCP module without affecting other ports.

i am using hi-tech compiler and mplabx.
I want to use PWM option.
i attached the pin detail

If you are using single PWM it doesn't matter if you use ECCP or CCP... The enhanced module can be used as a basic CCP anyway...
thank you for your reply,if i use single pwm how to use P1B,P1C,P1D pins as standard I/O.

how to configure this register
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[QUOTE16.3 Standard PWM Mode
When configured in Single Output mode, the ECCP
module functions identically to the standard CCP
module in PWM mode, as described in Section 15.4
“PWM Mode”. This is also sometimes referred to as
“Compatible CCP” mode, as in Table 16-1.][/QUOTE]

The pins

As you can see... They aren't implemented at all..
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