EDE707 Octal Seven-Segment Display IC

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New Member
Anyone known of any alternatives (preferably more commonly available ICs) to drive multiple 7-segment displays for my space limited project?

It would be helpful. Thanks
The Maxim MAX7219 works with common cathode displays and uses a 3wire serial interface.
Or you could use a MAX6951 charlieplexed chip with SPI interface, this chip is only available in a small 16/QSOP package though - good for space saving if you can solder it.
thanks! i was searching for ages and didn't come to anything close like this.

do u know of any ICs where i can send the input as a BCD from 4 or so microcontroller pins instead of having to serially send the data?
I don't know if I can help in any way but we did a digital chess clock last time, and for the display we had eight 7-segment display (like microwave displays, the red ones).

Ours were common anodes so we had the motorola BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver or simply 74LS47...We used the pic 16f84 as the microcontroller...just surf for the specs of this IC
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