Edge detecting and obstecle avoiding robot

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I made this one for our universities exhibition and thought i should share this with you guys.

YouTube - Edge detecting and obstecle avoiding robot.wmv

Please leave a comment what do you think about this and your opinions a valuable.

PS: I'm using 6 white LEDs with 6 LDRs to dtect edges and two sharp IR range finders to detect obstecles.
12F675 is the brain
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Great project. Thanks for sharing (I don't like to sign on to YouTube, Facebook, etc.).

Would moving the rear wheels closer together or adding something like fenders prevent the occasional snagging of an obstacle on them, like happened at the beginning of the video?

Can you share some of the design elements here?

currently I'm documenting it(circuits,algo,codes etc).I'll publish here once its finished.
Nice work.

I did a similar thing using 1 IR detector a few years ago. When it detected an object it would spin left and right a few degrees to see if either route was possible. If that did not work it would spin in a circle and move in the first unobstructed direction. It was fun but I like yours better.
Nice work! Looks like you used 2 sharp GP2 sensors for obstacle detect and white LEDs with photodiodes for the edge of table detect?

Cool music too.
Nice work! Looks like you used 2 sharp GP2 sensors for obstacle detect and white LEDs with photodiodes for the edge of table detect?

Cool music too.
White leds with LDRs actually. and a 12F675 as its brain
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