EE Engineering job opportunity in NZ..?

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Hey, I've just finished my Bachelor in EE degree. I'm thinking of migrating to NZ (preferably Auckland) in about 5 years time. What field of EE is it in demand there? Please advice so that i know which field to go into.. Thanks
well my cousin is there studying there he is an Auckland citizen. there are a lot of jobs of IT professionals there.if you are good in software then you have a good chance of going there.
Just once, I would love to see NZ. It looks like such a nice place. Even if the folks drive on the wrong side of the road
Just once, I would love to see NZ. It looks like such a nice place. Even if the folks drive on the wrong side of the road

You might find it a little quiet?.

They showed part of their 'Police Five' programme once on UK TV, the worst crime of the week was that a 22 year old Ford Cortina had been stolen
You might find it a little quiet?.

They showed part of their 'Police Five' programme once on UK TV, the worst crime of the week was that a 22 year old Ford Cortina had been stolen

The greatly reduced crime rate is one reason people emmigrate to Australia and New Zealand.

The greatly reduced crime rate is one reason people emmigrate to Australia and New Zealand.

Yes I know, and more so New Zealand than Australia.

An old friend of mine went out their years back, I've only seen him once since, when he came back for a 'holiday' (for TWO YEARS!). He rented his NZ home out while he was here, got a job, and bought a house over here - which he sold when he moved back.
the worst crime of the week was that a 22 year old Ford Cortina had been stolen

Sound like the TWOCers* have no taste.

* UK expression, the offence is Taking Without Owners Consent,
hence TWOCing, which is done by TWOCers.

In Tennessee, if you know the owner and he lets you borrow it and you don't bring it back ,it's called breach of trust.
You might find it a little quiet?.

They showed part of their 'Police Five' programme once on UK TV, the worst crime of the week was that a 22 year old Ford Cortina had been stolen

Sounds, or lack there of is my idea of perfect. Sign me up...
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