good morning sir.
yupp i am using global one. because if i use local variable, it says some error related to recursiveness.
and i made a simple program for writing some data sequentially, there it is saved correctly. but being a part of large program, the same part does not work. so i have tried the above method and it works. it might seem stupid, but earlier when my program was short, both lines of my lcd were working. now as my program goes large, only the first line is working. dunno why...
so i dont think i should waste my time here... let it be as it is... i have altered some other codings to save this space.
and for resetting the memory, i have planned to completely filled the used part of the eeprom with (space) ie decimal 32
so it looks as if it is blank. ha ha ha...
and my (i feel) lastest problem (which if not corrected might not do any harm to me as it is out of my project limit) is that how can i show
for roll number as 1 to 60... as i told earlier, i did from 1 to 9 and 10 separately. but how could i show it till 60 assuming number of students in class are 60.??