EEPROM test with JTAG

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hello ALL

I want to test an EEPROM with JTAG and I write things on it but I always read 0 from it but the same device in another board with same circuity answers right
It is a AT24C0xB EEPROM.
do you have any idea about what I can do?
JTAG with Its signals like TDI and TDO can write something on EEPROM in any addresses and read them from the addresss.
Just the important pins of EEPROM must be connected to a JTAG device then we can do anything we want. programming EEPROM , testing it and some other applications.

A 24C0x is an I2C device, it doesn't have a JTAG interface - which as I understand it is a specific interface for programming some types of micro-controllers.
yes with its IIC bus and interface with Microcontroller that is JTAGible you can test it with IEEE 1149.1 compatible devices. this is an application of JTAG.
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