electric controlled gate circuit diagram

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New Member
i need a simplified control circuit for an electric gate.which will open when the open button is pressed and also close whn the close button is pressed.The gate control cicuit diagram shoul contain limit switches to stop the gate in both directions when openning and clossing.Spring loaded switches should be used as well.
Hi bob,
Your requirements are pretty simple. If you are only building a prototype a gearbox motor/servo is good enough. A PWM generator is required for servo control, but none is needed for a simple dc motor, since the stopping of the gate can be done mechanically.

If you're building for your home gate... well that's another story, but the principle is pretty similar.
Hi Bob,

gates can behave pretty nasty when closing into a vehicle lacking safety circuits to stop the drive immediately and reverse direction if an obstacle is recognized.

Also it doesn't make much sense to fully open a gate if just a bicycle is being pushed through it.

Here is a gate control circuit using a PIC18F2321. Local operation is done using four push buttons for partial/full closing and opening. An LED indicates gate status (closed, moving, open).

The circuit offers connection of a wireless remote controller and via the extension port connection for obstacle recognition.

A strobe light indicates gate movement calling for attention.

The power circuit (DC motors 24V/300W) is isolated for the safety of the control circuit.



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