Electric guitar for Xmas

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Well-Known Member
Got my daughter a Fender electric guitar and a Marshall practice amp for her Xmas gift. Ok so now she's jamming but plays the same damn song over and over again, day after day. And it's an alternative grunge tune by some Ska band or something like that! What have I gone and done?

My daughters boyfriend has had a guitar and amp as well, he can't play and he won't let Melissa teach him! I think it would hurt his male pride to much?.

Anyway, apparently he starts guitar lessons tonight!.

You could always buy your daughter a pair of headphones?.
The amp has a headphone jack as well as input for CD/MP3 to emulate & mix both instrument and AUX inputs. She doesn't want to use headphones, but I'm gonna start making her use them pretty soon. I think it's the band Slipknot that she's learning to play after. Whatever kind of music that is (supposedly hard/metal rock but it sure doesn't sound it with their chronic screaming and demonic groaning).

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