electric touch- negative ion generator

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i'm creating a project known as pikashoes, electric touch, or electrifried

it requires a 12 vdc negative ion generator, however this item is difficult to obtain without overpaying or paying for expensive shipping online.
Anyone know where i'd be able to get a negative ion generator operating at 12 vdc??
Or anyone know what common household product or easy to obtain product without going online i could utilize and yank out the negative ion generator from??

Any size in necessary...
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Here's a negative ionizer.

CAUTION! Output voltage is approximately 3.5KV!



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You know aside from helping to coagulate particulate matter those things output ozone which can trigger an asthma attack...
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You know aside from helping to coagulate particulate matter those things output ozone which can trigger an asthma attack...

Yes, I know it. It's made for that purpose. I lived at the seaside most of my life where the air contains a lot of natural ozone. Living at a continental location I sometimes get problems breathing, especially if the air is very hot.

It is not meant to bring electrodes together to arc, thus increasing ozone output, but just produce negative ions.

The voltage is low enough not to produce ozone at high concentration.

Go to the automotive department in a store like Target or Walmart. There ionizers/deodorizers that plug into the light socket, some are just big enough to plug in, very small size. Saw them about a month ago, while looking for some glue to re-attach my rear-view mirror, the dog knock off.

Oh, should mention a neat little trick I came up with, worked well. Before scraping off the old glue from the windshield, I outlined the placement from outside with a Sharpie. The metal slug on the mount slips out, and is magnetic, so used a strong magnet (from a Hard Drive) on the outside of the glass to hold the slug in place. Seems like it's going to hold, done a few over the years, doesn't always hold up well.
i appreciate the help boncuk but i'm not really a science wiz to make that sort of thing by hand..
what i wanted was the actual generator...
But thanks anyways

alright cool.. thanks
and neat trick
Just connect the negative side of the battery circuit to yourself and the HV lead to the ground plate under your shoe.

When you turn it on it will pump you up to what ever the voltage charge it can provide is.

And send us a video of yourself when you first use it!

sounds like you suspect me to injure myself cause i'm unknowledgeable lol

i'm unsure of what you mean... where's the HV lead in this car ionizer? and how do i connect the negative side to myself?? i was told that i connect the two terminals of the battery to certain areas, then i stick a stripped wire through the holes, touching the ions to myself...
ANY feedback so i don't kill myself??
You've only given a name, which you created, for your project. Nobody here really knows what you are trying to do. The standard guess for these sort of projects, is to shock people, which you didn't deny, so we can presume it was a good guess. Please give a better detailed description of what you are trying to achieve, and we may be able to give better suggestions.

what i am trying to do is shock others... the basic diagram of the project i am doing is this :

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i'm deciding whether or not i should buy a 29.99 negative ion generator that is designed for this kind of thing from amazing1.com , or buy a car ionizer from ebay, etc to do the project, but i am unsure of how that will turn out...

Basically, i connect a battery holder rating at approx 12 volts to the negative ion generator that is touching my body, and the positive terminal of the battery connecting to a ground plate so that my body is charged up and i have the ability to shock someone...

any suggestions?
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You should go to this site and read it for the technical language! Especially the part above the lightning bolt picture near the bottom of the page !!
The problem with having the battery at one level of voltage and then using the high voltage output to charge yourself up is that when ever you goto turn it off you have to make a connection between the two voltage differentials. If you're the ground plain then the only voltage potential you have to work with is the 12 volt which wont give you a shock.

By putting the HV output to the earth ground you will still raise your bodies voltage up high enough to shock whom ever you want anyway. With the HV lead to the earth ground your just floating the battery and controls at the same level as your body.
Regardless of which way you hook yourself up you still get the same shock as the person you plan to use it on anyway. When you connect your self one way you just dont have to shock yourself while turning it off.

I used to do this same trick in high school with an old fly back transformer from an old TV. If I made myself the same potential as the power supply side(battery pack) I didn't have to get shocked while turning it on and off.

And yes it was harmless, but very funny!
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