Electric Valve 3Volt

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-Hi , I want to make a watering system in my garden with moisture sensor , electric valve and iris or telosB sensors to control the valve.

-I am in decision to buy the electric valve , the matter is that i want to control the flow of water to irrigate with a voltage 3 volts, because so (3volts) is the voltage of sensors iris/telosB that will be used.

-Could anyone suggest me an electric valve like this (for my situation) , is there anywhere such an electric valve to buy?

Thank you.
ok , but how i can control the flow of water with the iris sensor which has voltage 3 Volt??If there is not exist a valve like this, may use something of voltage converter between iris sensor and valve e.g 3v to 12v or 24v ...(that such as valve exist)?
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Can you post a link to the sensor? If you don't have enough posts to do so, give me something to search for like a model #.
Yes here is the link with iris sensors will be used ,
**broken link removed** ,

and here is tthe link with the board MDA100 CB (51 pins prototype area for development) , **broken link removed** .

Thank you
Hi , i have allready post a link but the moderators didn't post it yet...do not know why.

You may try "iris sensor" on google and click on the third result (memsic) , then on dowload dadastheet you can click on IRIS to read the pdf.
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I did briefly. I'll have to look at it later. Didn't see anything about moisture sensors or even three volts. I used this link: **broken link removed** and under IRIS, I clicked on IRIS.

Hopefullt we are thinking on the same lines "Soil moisture sensor"
no iris and telosb ara wireless sensors motes neither moisture nor humidity . Google for "wireless sensor mote" there is a wiki.
I think this is relatively straight forward. Use a rain-bird controller and an integrated moisture sensor: **broken link removed**

PS: I asked the mods if they can allow you to post links, I don't know the creiteria, but it may just be the amount of time your a member. I also don't know if you can see you rlink clobbered under "go advanced"/preview
Yes i will use a moisture sensor but i have to use an iris wireless sensor mote to control the valve..

Thanks for the link..I do not know this about moderators and links..
George. Try to post www.google.com as a link. In the preview it will look like [url=https://www.google.com]Google[/url] in the preview window.

The link should act like : www.google.com
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No matter what you will need a controller to go between the sensor and the valve. The controller will take the 3 volts from the sensor and output 24 volts AC for the valve. Thats how it is done. Andy
Ahh..that is an idea , can you post a link for example with a controller (that take 3 volts)?

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Links work for you. Where does the 3V come from? Please post a link.

I don't see why the rainbird controller won't work for you.

Is this a homework problem?
I will use iris wireless sensor motes **broken link removed** [also here **broken link removed** is the board for iris, MDA 100CB (51 pins prototype area for development)] and moisture sensors..Iris sensors have a voltage 3 volts and will be used for controlling the valve .

The guy up said that need a controller between sensor and valve , and have to can take voltage 3 Volts. I will see if with rain bird is possible/compatible , do you know?
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OK, you have digital I/O, SPI and I^C and eight 0-3 V interfaces.

But we have a BIG problem, I think. Your not expecting to operate a valve on the battery power of the wireless module, are you?

Give us an idea of the big picture. Some thing like it's on a farm with well water from an overhead tank with no power nearby. Or it's a residential house with a snall garden in the back yard and for some unknown reason I can't use normal power like normal people do or it's an exercise for a class that my professor gave me these unique requirement.

Some of the watering systems actually talk to the internet to get weather forcasts to predict when to water.
I will use iris wireless sensor motes
What the? Why are you using such a complicated sensor setup to turn on a valve?
Iris sensors have a voltage 3 volts
You have no web page link to the sensor you want to use, but it seems you what to run it thru the wirless transcever?
Whats at the other end of the wireless link?
Just what are you trying to do here?
Direct quote from rainbird site: "When the sensor detects dry conditions, the next scheduled watering cycle is allowed. If a site’s soil moisture level is above the threshold, the irrigation cycle is suspended. There are just two basic components – an in-ground sensor and a user interface at the controller."

What's so hard about using a standard irrigation controller with standard options?

Why the wacky wireless 3V thingy?
OK, here is a 0-3V sensor. VH400 Soil Moisture Sensor Now what are you going to do with it?


I really think you don't know what your getting into with those wireless modules. They might make nice paper weights.
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