Electricity Impact on LCD monitor, displays.. NEED HELP from PROs..

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I am fighting for 5 years with heavy input lag in all games,desktop..


1. high delay when mooving with mouse and view on display -> something like v-sync on but its off. / floaty mouse, mooving like on ice /
2. games are choppy, stutter although fps are very high on monitor 144hz/240hz/ doesnt matter - everywhere stutter and input lag, somehting like desync.
Monitor feeling like its not 1ms but maybe 20ms...
3. slight image blur
4. this symptoms makes games unplayable and without any fun.

What we tried.

1. Tried every windows version xp/w7/w8/w10
2. Tried every available tweaks on ethernet like softwares,windows optim., bios every combination..
3. Tried many differente PCs, for me i tried 3-4 pcs, mouses maybe 5.
4. Tried many differente ISPs.
5. Tried mooving with my setup on another place - same problem.
6. Tried UPS online, ferrite cores on every cable.

Interesting facts

1. Mooving with only MONITOR to my friend house where he doesnt have a problem = problem persists
- So thats why i think the main issue causing MONITOR - monitor power supply..
- On next day i bought brand new monitor / 144hz / to my house and everything was perfect for 3 days - then problem comes again...
2. Changing NVIDIA settings sometimes make good feel but only for few hours..
3. Not using my setup for 3 days+ and afther that time when i start PC everything is very perfect for maybe half hour..

Theorys, possibilitys

1. It must be something with electricity and it has an impact on monitor for long time, then stabilizes..
2. I thought its some RFI or electromagnetic field attacking monitor, but it is known that when the interference ends by mooving far away it should be fixed, but its not.
3. somehow this issue is holding inside *monitor* or cables and when moove to fixed place problem still persists.

I will be very happy aboute every theory, i give more information when i will mention
With those symptoms, I'm guessing it is Likely a heat issue or you are over-loading your power supply and grap card is slowed reduce consumption and allow our PSU to supply a steady voltage. In either case, Your computer cpu or graphics card, or monitor are slowing down to lower frequency to prevent overheating snd damage to cpu or other components. Monitor temp or cpu or graphics card is slowing to reduce strain on your PSU

on Linux, it's easy but you'll need some type of app or widget to see/monitor/log temp values in windows. I've never used this one, it is just and example.

You can just try bigger fans, and heat sinks, and/or remount CPU in case you don't have good thermal paste connection to CPU.
You don't mention what video card you have. A high end monitor will not work well with games if you have a low end video card.
With some video cards, people fail to upgrade their power supply (PSU). That can cause voltage drops and affect the video card performance. Again, without knowing what video card, what power supply, what CPU you have, no one can come up with a reasonable solution or recommendation.
Post the ALL the details about your hardware, we need to know more. What games, what is your ISP speeds, etc...
Hello, sorry when i didnt attached PC setups there, but i thought you will understand when i said i tried 3-4 new PCs.
I asked my friend from one forum, he have the same problem as me for hw info..

i had from 2016-2021 tested :
i5 4670k + gtx 970 + 700W psu - bought in factory with PCs.
i7 7700k + 1060 3gb + 600W psu - bought in PC servise - folded
now i using i5 10400 - gtx 1070 - 550gold psu..

my friend tried
i7 6700k + gtx 960
i7 8700k + gtx 1080
gtx 2060

we have everywhere the same problem, so like i said it have nothing to do with PC, when i move my monitors which i using home to other place, i have the same problem like in my house, so its happening something with responsive time in monitor.
First suspect is graphics driver specific to video controller or "standard"
driver supplied by Windows....? You would be surprised at how many systems
do not have the specific HW driver installed.

Correct version of DirectX installed on these systems ?

Have you done a Ctrl-Alt-Delete and looked at resources used in the performance
monitor ? To see if something is hogging memory or drive......

There are utilities out there to do graphics tests on PCs, do a google search and see if
they can shed some light.

Regards, Dana.
Is it a touchscreen monitor?
I can imagine one of those that has a slightly dodgy touchscreen or touchscreen driver causing problems such as you describe.

What is the make and model of the monitor?

Surely it's cheaper to get a new monitor than several new PCs!!
yeah guys, when i didnt check this all i didnt had suspect something is with electricity and i dont know what.. i really tried check all drivers many times, if its everything OKAY, everything is okay and i still have problems on every PC i tried in my house..
i had benq xl2411z and now asus vg248qe and on both is same problem - 1 ms feel like 15 ms, mouse movement on screen is delayed and not working properly, everything feels like its out of sync, all games.. also when i am on desktop i can see the big delay.. i check voltages in my house and everything is okay, so i dont understand, i am cursed?
With all those computers and different video cards, that pretty well rules out the CPU and GPU. That comes back to the monitor. Reset the monitor back to factory defaults if there is such a menu option. Make sure you are using native connections between PC and monitor, no adapters of any sort. Make sure you are using the GPU video ports, not the motherboard's video connectors.
Beyond that, if other monitors start acting the same with different PC and video cards, that becomes closer to an impossibility. Different PCs with different graphic cars with different monitors cannot exhibit the same behavior you are describing. But, online gaming with a low Internet speed could affect many games regardless of the type of system or monitor. Using Wifi could be another problem, use direct wired Ethernet when testing online games (or any bench mark test).
Are you measuring lag or are you "feeling" lag? When my kids played video games, the loser always used the excuse that he had lag, instead of admitting he sucked at the game.

there are a number of performance tests available. I have trouble believing you can sense 15milliseconds vs 1 millisecond. That is some reaction time if you can since most human reaction times are near 100 milliseconds. Granted, a lag means that your near-record breaking 100milliseconds are pushed out to 114 mSec (still in the -4 standard deviations vs average humans) . Run a test and post the test used and results. Numbers are much easier to reconcile than feelings.
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