Electro-tech map!!

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Active Member
Hey all,
**broken link removed**
found this on another forum, and thought it'd be pretty neat to see where everyone was from.

You can pan (click and hold) and zoom and then just left click to place a marker.

So um yeah, put in where you live

EDIT: If you mess up, or want to make a correction, just add another marker and I will go through every once and awhile and remove all of the markers made by you except the one that was most recently placed. or if you would like to have a couple markers (one for work and one for home) just make sure I will be able to tell that in the description.
That's a very good map, you can zoom in right down to street level - I've added my marker in the actual street in which I live

Hey Jim,

What does your comment on the map says? Is that Gaelic?

I've been to Scotland twice in the past 3-4 years, mainly in the Highlands. I had a blast, you guys are so great. I might try to cook my own haggis sometime.
Joel Rainville said:
What does your comment on the map says? Is that Gaelic?

No it isn't Gaelic, it is Doric which is the dialect spoken in the North East corner of Scotland. It is pretty well incomprehensible to anyone who is not from this area, including me many years ago.
I am actually English not Scottish.

"Fit like ma wee loon", translates as "how are you young man"

fit = what
like = like
ma = my
wee = small
loon = boy/youth

I have never visited Canada, but passed over it at about 40,000ft once on the way to Houston. It was in November and the lakes looked frozen over and everything was white with snow.

I figured this would eventually be put in the **** chat, but I wanted to make sure everyone saw it.

and zach, you live in the pacific ocean?
That's pretty sloppy, Zach. You need to zoom in some more!
JimB said:
I am actually English not Scottish.

Oh. You suck then :lol:

I've only been to GB for two short trips. A few days in Liverpool and 2 days in London on my way to Prague. I crossed from France through the Eurotunnel (is that what it's called?) then on a 19 euros EasyJet flight to Praha. Those low-cost airliners rule! There's no equivalent here... A cheap flight starts at 200 bucks... :roll:

Reasons why not to:
1. My internet is painfully slow, and to zoom all the way in would take all day

2. I don't want to tell the world exactly where i live :lol:
jrz126 said:
Hey all,
**broken link removed**
found this on another forum, and thought it'd be pretty neat to see where everyone was from.

You can pan (click and hold) and zoom and then just left click to place a marker.

So um yeah, put in where you live

it's really a good idea but could you speak more about this idea, i see in some links that i have to pay for my guest map, can you explain?!
It looks like you live in a boat moored off the coast of Mexico. :lol:
audioguru said:
It looks like you live in a boat moored off the coast of Mexico. :lol:

HA! can it be changed? i guess i could take 10 minutes to change my location to temecula, the town where i live at least.

I was thinking that if i pointed it at san diego it would at least be IN san diego :roll:
audioguru said:
It looks like you live in a boat moored off the coast of Mexico. :lol:

he doesnt necessarily need to be in a boat, he could have a secret underground workshop or something

I can delete mistakes. Just create another one and I'll just go and delete the old one (I will be able to see when each are created)
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