gophert: So was it I who made the faux paux?
If so, my bad. For a moderator to make a statement such as was made by DerStromB,
Directly following -my- post, I have to assume that my post raised a red flag.
And seeing as how I'm a new member here, The last thing I want to do is create problems.
No offense meant to anyone.
JimB: Common sense is the key here.
The electronic circuit needed to build the device in question is basically the same, whether you call it an electronic launcher or a coil gun.
You still need a power supply capable of charging a capacitor bank. Plus, you need to control the charge time of the capacitors, so that
you don't fry the above mentioned power supply..
And you need to use an air core coil to move a projectile. As is clearly shown in that video.
The only factor not included, which should be addressed is gravity. If you're going for vertical flight, then gravity becomes
an issue. With vertical flight, gravity affects the distance travelled by the projectile.
With horizontal flight, gravity also affects distance, but as with ballistics, gravity affects accuracy.