Electronic buddy wanted to build a frequency zapper

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New Member
Hello..........Well I'm not long out of major surgery thanks to being diagnosed with cancer in April!!!
I live in Wilmslow,Cheshire, and am seeking help.
Trawling the net as I'm house-bound and weak at the moment,and waiting to go into Christies hosp for more treatment I came across a simple 9v frequency zapper invented by an american doctor that may help.
I'm looking for someone to build this device for me asap, I could do it myself I'm sure if I was feeling 100%, but feel like s**t at the moment.
All the components are radio shack, ,but I don't see that as a problem.
All fit into a shoebox and should take 1 hour to build

Thank you...........


PS ..........don't worry you cannot catch the cancer off me!!
Hello Dan, most of the regular forum members here offer help regardless of the persons background. With that said, I am sorry to hear about your condition. What exactly do you mean by a frequency zapper, I have no idea what you are referring to.
If you do not mind sharing, what sort of cancer have you been diagnosed with?
Yes, I hate it when scum try to rip off vulnerable people who are desperate for a cure.

I hope you get well soon.

Be very careful about what you read on the Internet, there are many people out to make money from those who can't afford it.
Your right it's the zapper designed to kill off the live worms in your body that lay eggs creating "cancer"
Was only diagnosed 5 weeks ago and have had 2 operations to totally remove my cancerous thyroid, I'm a young 53 but now witha lovely 8" neckless scar. Loads to do and need to try everything I can, not worked for 5 months now, desperate to move on.
Although the claims are a bit sceptical,m still wish to try it!!

Sorry but there are much better ways to hep aid your recovery than this device, the usual doctor's advice healthy eating and exercise helps loads.

You're interested in electronics good but there are far more beneficial things you could be building.
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