Electronic clock

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I'm a guy finished diploma in electronics and more eager to know about electronics. So i thought to make a circuit. Keeping on making circuits help me to design a circuit of my own as i think.
When you make an electronic clock then are you simply learning how to solder some parts together. You will learn nothing about electronics. Somebody posted that his 10 years old daughter soldered together a complicated circuit but knows nothing about electronics.

You need to design some circuits then test how changing some parts values affects the circuits.
Seeing a chip and a transistor arguing is a little surreal.

My suggestion to gunz1159; Buy a kit. This is the middle ground, you should find it easy enough to make a kit, but you can also learn a lot in the process and it might give you enough info to design your own clock later.
When you make a kit then you are simply soldering parts together and are learning nothing.

So where do i learn making a kit suggest me some websites please > > > > > >
Search the web for electronic kits, find a clock kit without a programable chip, build it and look up the chips used on the internet. If you have not soldered before you may want to start with a beginers kit and work your way up to the clock.

Have fun, Andy
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