You mean you want him to miss all those commercials that repeat over and over and over again?
I just noticed something. If we look closely at the PC board part number for the capacitor in question, it looks like there are two distinctly different part numbers: one for the small footprint and one for the larger footprint.
That could indicate two different models, but it could also just that they wanted to put a note in the repair manual or something if the technician got a replacement part that was the larger size or the smaller size.
That second number is hard to see so I had to guess at some of the numbers, but there seems to be a clear difference between the "0" on the part to the left and a "7" on the part to the right. A better angle for this pic would have shown the part numbers more clearly.
Take a look, and look carefully at the part numbers on the PC board itself.
so i ordered some components from ali-express, blue disk shaped capacitors. Looking it up i find they are ceramic capacitors so i get the numbers form the old one (103M 1KV 19W), order them, wait, then today they came in the mail.
Well they look a bit different View attachment 146685
It just doesn't look right i don't think technology has progressed that much since this TV was made, where did i go wrong?
It is possible that you could take another picture of this board where that cap is to be installed?
I'd like to see the TWO part numbers for that ONE cap a little bit more clear. Thanks.
There appears to be two part numbers but just one location for the cap. Hard to see the part number to the right.