Electronic Dice

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May I suggest a less expensive alternative to create the dual dice circuit would be to use an Atmel 2313 cpu to drive the two seven segment displays. All you'd need is the uC, the seven segment displays and current limiting resistors, a pull-up resistor and a spst switch, and your power source. You can program the 2313 using Bascom's AVR Basic, which you can get for free in 'limited' form, which programs up to 2K of code. I wrote a dice program for 2313 that lights up the segments in a circular pattern several times before it settles on a random number, giving the illusion of rolling dice. With the addition of a piezo-speaker I could add sound effects as well. Of course, if you were a PIC-head you could use a PIC cpu just as easily. Good luck.

Hi! I'm doin my Electronics coursework! i am goin to be makin an electronic dice....n i need help wit a brief description of the problem. i dnt know what my problem could be! can sum1 plz help me!
just to throw an idea in -

i made a dice using a 4017B, with all but the first output connected to a 12-way rotary switch, and the common on the rotary to the reset pin on the 4017B. basically, u could turn the reset to any number u liked, and the dice would only count up as far as that number...
Here is one that I did some time ago. The switch allows one die or two dice to be selected.

The 4516s are configured to count from 1 to 6.

It could be modified to include 7 segment display drivers and 7 segment displays.



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