Anybody out there wondered what goes on inside the electronic magneto modules fitted to millions of small engines world wide. I have found that information on the internal circuitry and functioning of these units is either wrong, sketchy or non existent. Usual reply if the engine does not start due to no spark coming
from this unit is, "go buy another one, they are cheap enough". They appear to be the cause of lots of garden equipment ending up in the dumpster. I have tried to examine the internals of these units but de-potting the modules proves difficult. They all seem to rely on a Darlington switching transistor triggered by a tertiary winding on the coil assembly. One Chinese unit that was purchased recently, I managed to partially disassemble, had an obsolete transistor manufactured by a US company that went out of production in the 1990's. I reviewed the thread that featured the modification or replacement of contact breaker ignition circuits with an Atom Module? That unit is a replacement for the mechanical switch part of the ignition circuit and takes the output from the primary winding on the magneto.
Any thoughts on these units, circuit description or details would be appreciated.