Electronic schematic - need help identifying components

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New Member
Attached is a copy of the board I need to build.
Is anyone able to tell me what I will need for this, and would be able to give me a brief guide on how to build it?


  • chip 1.gif
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The 555 is an 8 pin dil chip.
The module you linked us too is an interesting model of said chip, looks like 20 or 30x larger than a 555.
Thanks, there was some confusion between what I needed to build/repair. But I've got it sorted now.
If I need any further assistance I'll let you know. I thought I had to build said model of the chip, but I have a small 555 chip in an object that needs repair, and just needed to clarify that the schematic wasn't a totally different chip. Now I've researched the chip and can make the necessary repairs.
You will certainly have some trouble finding a standalone transistor replacement for Q9.
Q19. You could probably use two transistors with the emitters and bases in parallel, separate collectors. But so much of this circuit depends on the matching of parts and the fact that they are on the same substrate make it *almost* impossible to reproduce it using the same circuit. Functionally, no problem, but not identical circuitry.
Well - extra diodes in seies to each emitter should also work, but then adjustments to all affected* resistors had to be made.
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