Electronic seismograph! How? i have some basic ideas...

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How could i make a seismograph, like that lights LED's up, example, 1 richter, 1 LED, 2 richter, 2 LED's... How can i make this?
i thought about a coil with a magnet sliding in it, and when it moves, it generates small amounts of electricity, then a darlington to amplify it, and use it as a swicht for a servo, that would move a potenciometer and light up the LED's with the force transmoted to it.
Is it any good?
of course i would calibrate it after completed...

please give your sugestons, or critics.

thank you
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I don't believe one can calibrate a single seismograph to the Richter Scale directly. I think it takes triangulation among several remote sites to get a fix and then calculation of the amplitude at the remote seismograph using distance Vs amplitude.

a magnet inside a coil is how geophones work and are quite sensitive. They can be purchased used some places for surplus like prices, much better then you could build yourself.


No way i could buy one here... i'll just make it, maybe with pvc pipe or pen, something will come to mind...
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