Electronic Switcher for Compact Flash

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New Member
Hi!! I will try to be brief because my english sucks
I need to switch (connect and disconnect) two CF (Compact Flash) memories.
This is the scenery:
One CF is connected to a camera (which is writing on it)
One CF is connected to a CF reader (which is copying the data to a HD, and deleting from the memory)
When the CF connected to the cam is full, I need to disconnect it from the camera, and connect it to the reader, BTW I need to connect the second CF (empty) to the camera.

I want to do that from my computer (or at least pressing just a button).
I don't know the pinout of the camera and the reader, so I was thinking in Analogic Switches, like 4066, but it has only 4 ports and there are 50 pins in the CF card, so I was looking for a better solution.
Also, the 4066 is not a perfect switch, I mean, it has a Ron, Roff, and capacitance too, and I don't know how will affect it to the system, because when I have one CF connected to the reader, is not connected too to the camera (because the imperfect switch)?

I hope somebody help me with this because I'm stuck

Thanks !!
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