Electronics for Dummies

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New Member
I have just effectively exhausted this book (Electronics for Dummies - Gordon McComb). I am looking for a recommendation for a book to move on to, preferably with alot of projects. Experience from those who have followed a similar path would be very much appreciated.
Maybe includes a few simple robots: line follower, light follower etc.
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lol, i tend to buy them but thanks anyway. i dont sit at my computer long enough to read through long downloads and i certainly dont have enough paper to print .
my friend showed me a copy of his "Art of E.". Just a bit too much maths for my tiny brain to handle. Can you recommend anything slightly more reader-friendly?
Yes, lots of parts of it are outdated but it lots of the information it contains will never be outdated.

My advice is read the preview in Google and judge for yourself.
I really need a book to bridge the gap between where I am now (a beginner who understand concepts and a little practical electronics) and Art of Electronics.
I'm trying to move from beginners theory to practical applications and have since ordered and received David Cooks "Robot Building for Beginners" Amazon.com: Robot Building for Beginners (0689253154458): David Cook: Books. There's a review of this book in a thread on this site.....he shows how to build a line follower(like what you were asking)...the downside is lack of math and the builds are done without microcontrollers...he uses logic chips. I think his second book "Intermediate Robot Building" Amazon.com: Intermediate Robot Building (0689253593738): David Cook: Books discusses microcontrollers, though I don't know how much...probably need a second book for that, ofcourse. I also believe his second book goes in depth with robotics and the circuits for them....you may prefer just electronic circuits but this will teach you how to build circuits for a load, whether it's an led, speaker, or motor.

Other suggestions would be Elektor Mags, Make Mags, Servo Mags, Nuts and Volts Mags, etc.

The hard part is finding something that doesn't only show you a schematic and what the purpose of the circuit is, but step by step explainations as to why a certain component is placed in the circuit and a supplement for that component if you don't have one just like it...David Cook's books seem to do just that...After that I feel you'll get a better understanding of why and how a circuit is designed the way it is to help you with your own circuit designs. I ordered both his books at the same time and Chapters cancelled the second book cause they were out of stock....sooooo, send it when you get it!! What's that all about? Now I won't get free shipping. I haven't read through his book in detail to give an accurate review, soon though.

I used the "All New Electronics Self Teaching Guide" to learn electronics, since I'm a beginner and found the book helpful, but I found mistakes in his answers and a frustration when I couldn't figure out how I came to a different answer when he didn't show his math. Overall, it was helpful for practicing calculations. But ofcourse, one needs to read an intermediate level book for a wider and detailed electronics theory.

Just my two cents.
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Thanks Macfeegle and deadwood, very useful infomation. I think I will end up getting a couple of books, a harder decision than I thought.
my friend showed me a copy of his "Art of E.". Just a bit too much maths for my tiny brain to handle.

I'm very surprised at your opinion on that! The Art of Electronics is very practical biased. Hardly any mathematics at all, except where necessary. That was certainly my experience of the book anyway. It's a treasure trove of excellent Electronics information, explained from the practical man's point of view.

Yeah I've heard about the 3rd edition as well, but I think the idea has been bounced around for a very long time now? It's always coming out next year.

I hope it comes out soon as well, and I hope it lives up to its reputation! In fairness it doesn't really need much work, just modernisation that's all. Fantastic book.

your ahead of me in electronics lol

Twiggy is a leg up on me in understanding electronincs.
i was wanting to build a curcuit that would turn a motor on for a certain amount of time as the sun came up and reverse that motor for a certain amount of time when the sun goes down and power it off a 6 volt batt.
Should be simple i thought. i need a book to understand all these schematics on the net so i can build them. LONG STORY SHORT is (electronics for dummies) a good book for that?? Thanks everyone for helping this newbie
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