Embedded LAB

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New Member
hello friends,

i have completed my P.G. in Electronics.
i have got job as an embedded engineer in a domastic company.
i have to set up a embedded lab for R & D as well as for product.
can anyone help me from where and how i have to start.
one more thing i m the only person for the embedded department in our company.
i have knowledge of micrcontroller.
please reply me as soon as possible.
my e-mail id is hitesh.raghvani@yahoo.co.in

Thanks in advance..... to you all....
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Everything depends on your requirements and your budget. Since we have no clue as to the scope of your requirements, or the size of your budget, it is impossible to provide meaningful advice. If you are the only person in the department then you can have pretty much anything you want. Who is going to argue with you?

you are right .
i am thinking i will need one testing kit which will developing kit & one will be programming kit.

rest of these two things is there anything i need?
At the risk of being rude, why did they employ you for the position?.

If you don't even have any idea what equipment you need to do the job, how can you possibly be competent to perform the job?.
Like everything else it depends on how you intend to operate. I've been doing this for a very long time for all sorts of processors. Recently I've had the opportunity to use the CodeVision Compiler for the Atmel AVR series. I very much appreciate that the IDE has a compiler, a programming support for the STK500 development board, and a terminal emulator for talking to the target system. It is a very hard combination to beat. I very much appreciate not having to change programs and have multiple windows open.


Other then that I think you need a good 2-channel DSO with a 32-channel logic analyzer.
Nigel Goodwin said:
At the risk of being rude, why did they employ you for the position?.

If you don't even have any idea what equipment you need to do the job, how can you possibly be competent to perform the job?.
Rubbish. People are thrust into that very situation all the time.

Nigel Goodwin said:
At the risk of being rude, why did they employ you for the position?.

If you don't even have any idea what equipment you need to do the job, how can you possibly be competent to perform the job?.


the reason is simple.. By making his company.. he can make independent designs and can research more..

I dont know about the outside areas but here this is the environment..

Believe it .. he loves being a hobbyist..

A hobbyist is better than engineer because .. he is self initiative..


simrantogether said:

A hobbyist is better than engineer because .. he is self initiative..


Sorry Simran I dont agree!, how do think a person becomes an engineeer if not thru self initiative, study and hard work?

I am talking about qualified engineers, not self styled consultants!

Hi Hitesh..

That's a good thing..

ok.. some list i can make for you..

1. A computer..

2. broadband..

3. usb to serial converter.. (optional..)..

4. solder iron with stand , solder wire , solder paste..

5. a lot of website links.. you can have it from me.. ( terms and conditions..)

6. the programmer and required softwares..

7. stepper motors from junk dealers ( Ask from printing press people where they sell their junk..)..

8. Good books..

9. good electronics shop nearby..

Well, it may take two to three months for your lab to be ok..

Hey, if you have less money then dont think of buying CRO.. use computer as CRO.. i'll send you link for that software..

Apart from all .. you need one more thing..

" loving calling yourself a hobbyist.. "


ericgibbs said:
Sorry Simran I dont agree!, how do think a person becomes an engineeer if not thru self initiative, study and hard work?

I am talking about qualified engineers, not self styled consultants!

I appreciate..

and what if .. if you are a student and still studying.. and not working..

Does it mean that you cannot have a lab at home..


What's a P.G. in Electronics? Pretty Good?

As long as you have capital you can run any business you like regardless of skill.

PS What is with the lack of capitalization in a recent half dozen posts?
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simrantogether said:
and what if .. if you are a student and still studying.. and not working..

But he says:

i have got job as an embedded engineer in a domastic company.

So he's not a student, he's being employed, from what he says he's in charge of setting up an R&D lab!.

From the posts we get on here from India, most of which are basically asking for people to do their University or College work for them, I presume he's probably 'qualified' from one of these institutions, but isn't actually capable of doing the job?.

I may be completely wrong?, but having a worthless qualification is the only reason I can imagine for him being employed in this way?.
simrantogether said:
I appreciate..

and what if .. if you are a student and still studying.. and not working..

Does it mean that you cannot have a lab at home..



I have had a home workshop since 1948! [still have]
My father was repairing/building radio's back in the 1930/40's, it was he who got me interested in radio/electronics.

I expect most of the older engineers still have a workshop or den of some kind, so they can try out idea's.
If Nigel hasnt got a workshop, I'll pay £10 to his favourite charity.. I think my money is safe... same for papabravo...........its in the blood

I wish the OP every success in setting up his lab, I would just buy the basics at first, then the items of equipment he needs as required, dont blow the budget in the first month.
ericgibbs said:
If Nigel hasnt got a workshop, I'll pay £10 to his favourite charity.. I think my money is safe... same for papabravo...........its in the blood

Your money is VERY safe!

My favourite charity is "Nigel's beer fund", so I guess I'll have to contribute myself!.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Your money is VERY safe!

My favourite charity is "Nigel's beer fund", so I guess I'll have to contribute myself!.

Is that a Registered Charity!

Next time I visit Yorkshire, passing your junction, I'll buy you a pint!

Sorry to read about that horrific motor crash near Chesterfield the other day.
ericgibbs said:
Is that a Registered Charity!


Next time I visit Yorkshire, passing your junction, I'll buy you a pint!

Let me know and I'll meet you near the motorway!, there's a "Ma Hubbards" I go to for meals sometimes near junc 29.

Sorry to read about that horrific motor crash near Chesterfield the other day.

Yes, it's rumoured that one of the cars was racing against a motorbike!.

I think you are right! He's obviously one of the ones who convinced someone to do his "education" work - subsequently got hired [via his as you put it "worthless qualification"] and is now coming back "to the well" to get someone to do the job. I am surrounded by similar people every day and it's a very common scenario. Sad.
Seeing as how most of the managers in this world are stunningly incomptent, and unqualified, maybe they figure it will work for engineering too. At least when they fail they can say they are under budget. Sheesh - whada country!
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I dont want to impose myself on anybody..

But .. i feel that learning is a life long process..

Noone is born engineer.. born doctor..

He learns on facing difficulties.. and challenges..

Even Einstein failed in mathematics and now we know him for important physics formulae..

I hope you understand..

" only the first step is difficult.. rest everything is easy.. "


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