Emergency Power Supply

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New Member
Hey all...
I've been kinda tossing around an idea I had for a while now. I'm certain there are products I can actually buy that would satisfy my needs, but where's the fun in that?
Anyways, my project is this - taking multiple inputs (solar cell, battery, car charger adapter) and using a voltage regulator to charge a phone in an emergency type situation...like a hurricane evacuation (since I live on the gulf, this is always a reality). I already have a car charger ( which I still feel was over priced) so really I'm just working with the battery and solar cell.
But I've run into a problem...
The solar cell I scavenged from a rusted bug zapper only puts out 3.5V. I could probably wire a couple of them together to get a good voltage, but again, there seems to be more fun to be had, and my hunger for knowledge always gets the best of me.
I watched afroman's three-part series on power supplies, and he mentioned that transformers only work with A/C...and I could probably use a voltage doubler, but I'm not so sure. Is there a way I can double or step-up the voltage of the cell? Or am I chasing windmills?

Much thanks!
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