To be honest, I think it's a bit unfair for me to report my site as an attack site for something that is out of my control. Most likely comes from some advertisement gadgets on the page which show different content based on your current region. Sometimes the source or the actual content being displayed cannot be guessed or verified. Anyway, I tried open the page on various computers with no issues.
Noted your screenshots - quite strange. I have removed all the blogspot advertisement gadgets from the page just in case it's the cause.
Whatever you did fixed it. Thanks. I'm basically running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from a CD. The OS just boots from the CD and runs.
You just have to set the network and the time. Firefox is already installed.
I do an OS update and install Flash and NFS services at each boot. So, to test all you have to is burn an .iso file into a CD and boot. You have to change the boot order in the BIOS to boot the CD first.
I do look forward in looking at your site, The Yajoo groups TekScopes might be interested in your work. I have a Tek scope that might benefit as well. I have to do the Dallas repair and I have a USB Floppy emulator to install. I think it's a TDS340. Pagr 95,d.cWc looks like I could use the project too.
Great it's fixed for you. I removed various advertisement gadgets. Among them the likely suspect is the Blogspot 'Share' gadget which provides user with links to share the site on Facebook, twitter, etc. There is a very big Flash advertisement at the bottom of the gadget which on my computer just shows some random content and I removed it.
My PC is quad-boot, WinXP, Win7, Win8 and Ubuntu. I love the Ubuntu Live CD too - handy for experimenting and testing Linux.
KeepItSimpleStupid said:
I do look forward in looking at your site, The Yajoo groups TekScopes might be interested in your work. I have a Tek scope that might benefit as well. I have to do the Dallas repair and I have a USB Floppy emulator to install. I think it's a TDS340. Pagr 95,d.cWc looks like I could use the project too.
Thanks, look forward to your comments and suggestions too. I also plan to document my attempt at doing text-to-speech on a PIC24 by porting this library It's completed but I have yet to have the time to do a write-up.
I wonder if it would be possible to use a better processor and a X to postscript converter or essentially write to the printer port on the network? For my TDS, I saw a few protocals supported.
I wonder if it would be possible to use a better processor and a X to postscript converter or essentially write to the printer port on the network? For my TDS, I saw a few protocals supported.
For the TDS340, I think it's far better to use the dedicated RS232 protocols to retrieve the raw waveform data or hardcopy, rather than by capturing data from the printer port. I attempted this back in January, but not by using a PIC to write to the SD card, but by writing a PC application which communicates with the oscilloscope via RS-232 and returns the data. I documented it here:
**broken link removed**
You can see a screenshot of the application attached to this post.