Endless Startup Cycle.


New Member
Hi, im a noob

Trying to build a gps ear tag for my cattle.
The problem is: Load starts up when battery is 3V. Battery drains to 2.9V due to startup of load. Load turns off. Solar panel charges battery to 3V. Load starts up. Battery drains to 2.9V again due to startup of load. Load turns off. This cycle repeats for days on end. What to do?

Ive tried different types of capacitors. Have tried to incorporate a N Channel Mosfet, but i failed. Can anyone please guide me in the right direction.
94mAh 4.5V solar panel(I cannot go bigger because of weight and size.
Solar charger present.
500mAh lithium battery.
Diode on solar panel + to prevent backfeed.


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You need a low-power circuit with voltage sensor and hysteresis to make that work. I had assumed that you would have a microcontroller running everything.

Can you share your circuit diagram?
PS. I know what the problem and solution is, I think that it is firmly established. I just want to know what part/module/component is needed to implement into the circuit to make it work.
A 500mAh battery (if fully charged) should easily power this. It sounds like the batteries are dead.
If you've allowed them to discharge to 3V then they are scrap.

I'd get rid of the super capacitor and stick with a couple hundred microfarads - otherwise, it's like saying you're going to use your gas tank to fill a bucket before feeding your carburetor - except the bucket is multiple times greater than your tank.
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