Energy Harvesting and conservation techniques

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Modern wall-warts are much better than the old ones and do not use much when plugged in and not used. Some of them are over 90% efficient, and they're getting better and better.
ours must be old! most get very warm if left on, if nothing else its been good to actually stop and think about the power I use, I no longer leave the spectrum analyzer on standby, I wait for it to warm up instead. I didnt realize just how much power it used on standby
we dont live in the middle of nowhere as such, but we have no end of power cuts! 23 since end of July, most are less than 12 hours.

That is a lot! I think there are about one power cut a year at my parents farm.. and if the power cut is too long (over 6 hours) the power company pays you for "damages". Most power cuts are due to storms and falling trees.
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