Engineering Resource Help and Advice

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I am a junior in highschool and looking to go into an engineering field that involves electronics. This year I am quite busy working two jobs, playing in a pit band, writing a thesis paper, biking, not to mention all of my work from school. So I was wondering what kind of resources and/or plans people have that could help me on my way and help me explore engineering the way my highschool can't. I have pretty much finished calculus at my school, so resources that have a lot of math are no problem (and recommended!) Thanks!
Be as good at math as you can possibly be. It is not enough to get through the classes. If you can get to the point where math is a language to you will be there. A calc prof I knew said he wished the high schools would stop teaching calc and do a better job on what they should be teaching.
Good resources are "Circuit Cellar" and "Nuts and Volts" magazines. Nuts and Volts has articles more geared towards the beginner. If you can't afford them, you can read back issues online for free. Use google. Also, if you can scrape up enough money, buy one of the many development boards that are available and learn to develop your designs on them. Choose one with alot of documentation and support. Many of the manufactures provide software libraries to 'kick start' your designs, and I recommend you research who has the most complete libraries ( and report back ) Make use of any support available, don't try to re-invent the technological universe.
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