EPE Smart Karts

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New Member
Hey everyone,
I know there must be people here who are subscribed to EPE (everyday practical electronics), and in fact, I think I remember Nigel mentioning something. Anyway, my question involves the Smart Karts series on developing this cute little cart thingy, and I was wondering, if I connected 6V motors instead of 3V motors, how much will it affect the project, 'cause I cant get 3V motors like that here. Dont argue, okay?
There are 4 AA batteries, so it does deliver 6V, but should I rather set up transistors or somthin?
sorry, one more thing, if I wanted to use NiCADs instead of normal batteries, must I use one extra. As far as I remember, NICADs only give off 1.2V unlike normal 1.5V, so the total would be 4.8V instead of 6V.
So should I use one extra?
Thanks a million
You posted the same time as i posted.

Yea you HAVE to use one more or it MAY not work right and the motors WILL have less power.
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