You do not say what type of circuit you are potting in epoxy.
I would not expect a low frequency amplifier to be affected very much by epoxy, but an HF amplifier or an oscillator I would expect to see a change.
The relative permittivity of FR4 circuit board is about 4.4 (Wikipedia), which is a lot larger that that of air which is 1. So any interwiring capacitance is going to be 4.4 (ish) times greater.
The only circuit that I have ever potted was a replacement EHT multiplier for an oscilloscope.
I cannot remember the compound that I used, but it was not epoxy and it was specifically intended for circuit potting.
Having just said that I did not use and "epoxy", I probably did.
In my head, epoxy was limited to two part adhesives like "Araldite", but apparently it is a much wider group of materials.
The potting compound I used for my voltage multiplier was packed in a similar manner to this:
What the composition of my compound was I cannot remember, it was at least 25 years go.
I do remember dire warnings about some of the fumes that it could give off while curing, but I survived.