At 8000UV a 30 minute UV erasure time should be OK.
Before erasing , always clean the EEPROM window, especially if they have been covered with a 'sticky' label. I find that a rag damped with Meths' works OK.
After Erasing, check that all locations a 0xFF, all '1's.
After programming, Verify the EEPROM contents.
You can buy silvered paper with an adhesive face for EEPROM's.
I used either a small white self adhesive label that I could write on the details of the EEPROM.
A quick option is a black felt tip marker used to black out the window, Meths also removes this ink.
The usual causes of data failure, assuming the EEPROM itself is not faulty, is incorrect programming, due to either the Vpp being incorrect or the program time being too short or exposure to light, especially sunlight if the window is not covered.