Escape sequence with hyperterminal question

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New Member
How do you send an escape sequence to hyperterminal to clear the screen? I have a char array with a bunch of response phrases for rs232, and the standard '\r\n' works, but '\[2J' doesn't work.
I'm afraid you have to send this string, and other useful strings, manually... They're not supported as part of the string functions like "\n" and "\r"...

; <esc><"["><"A"> = up-arrow
; <esc><"["><"B"> = down-arrow
; <esc><"["><"C"> = right-arrow
; <esc><"["><"D"> = left-arrow
; <esc><"["><"E"> = ?
; <esc><"["><"H"> = home cursor
; <esc><"["><"J"> = clear from cursor to end of screen
; <esc><"["><"YY"><";"><"XX"><"f"> = goto y,x

Please let me know of any other funtions you discover?

Regards, Mike - K8LH

;  greeting string
sHello	db	0x1B,"[H",0x1B,"[J"	;home cursor & clear screen
    	  db	"K8LH F4620 Loader v2.0\r\n\n\0"
Hop', I just tried the <esc>"[2J" sequence and it works great... I didn't know about this sequence so I'm really pretty "geeked" about saving two bytes to perform the same task as <esc>"[H" <esc>"[J" (grin)...

Thanks buddy... Regards, Mike - K8LH...
Hop', I just tried the <esc>"[2J" sequence and it works great... I didn't know about this sequence so I'm really pretty "geeked" about saving two bytes to perform the same task as <esc>"[H" <esc>"[J" (grin)...

How do you get the <esc> into a string? In my case, all the following strings work by using
putrsUSART (rs232ResponseString[x]);
const rom char *rs232ResponseString[] = 
	"UNUSED SLOT #0\n\r",
	"PIC 18F452 [Display Effects Project] ID[452_02] SELECTED\n\r",
	"PIC 18F452 [communications] ID[452_01] SELECTED\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #3\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #4\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #5\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #6\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #7\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #8\n\r",
	"UNUSED SLOT #9\n\r",
	"200 OK\r\n",			
	"404 NOF\r\n",
	"Invalid key (0-9 only)\n\r",
	"USART PROJECT VERSION 1.02 - Revision 01.22.05\n\r"
OK, using a bootloader has opened up a lot of possibilities. I had to learn about SPI because I got these LED display driver chips from MAXIM and I have to communicate with them using either IC2 or SPI. I have it wired up, but then I realized that I need to solve other issues, about how to send escape codes to my PC, format numbers into strings to send, and set up a command interface with this serial device attached to my 18F452. That generated a huge list of questions for this project.

I solved the escape code issue. Thanks Mike for the assembly solution, but I couldn't get it to work because I'm still learning about variables, and pointers in C, so I went back to the library PDF for C18, and I discovered 'putcUSART'. How I overlooked it before, I don't know, but I use it to send 0x1b, then the rest of the escape code, and it WORKED! Now I'm trying to buffer the bytes from my PC, and setting a flag when ENTER is pressed to let my program know when a line of text is ready to be processed. Now I can reset my PIC, read and write data to my MAX6954, and I even included a 'CLS' command for old times sake.

Thanks guys (Mike K8LH, and Nigel) for helping me so much. I couldn't be where I am now without your help!!!
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