ETO is like a Drug to me (a good one)

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Hello all

Why I do not know. Maybe because I have nothing else to do after work. I can only handle so much TV. Enough is enough when fixing them though.

So then I turn to the Internet for learning and stuff. And meet interesting people on places like ETO. I am not much of a Porn or Internet surfer.

Too old for that stuff now here where I am. I simply appreciate any interaction with people out there that live normal lives like I would like to live one day. Some South Africans are members of this Forum. Probably in Gauteng (previously known as Johannesburg or such. Lot's of crime there...but also a life....

Here in deep Voter Fodder territory.....nothing. Nothing to really steal. No nice houses to break into....and really nothing going on. Like nothing.

I leave my door open at I can breathe. Then rats visit and decide to stay and eat my stuff. Munch here munch there...teeth marks on my stuff.

No break ins. No money.

ANC deep voter territory. The supporter base is right here. They never wanted running water and sewerage systems and houses. They were happy where they were living in the bush....

Now that they have gone "beyond the bush"....and have moved into town.....they are turning the towns into their own little crapping places.

Paper and rubbish will not see this in Cape Town though...properly run place.

I went Political again

Where in RSA are you.... I thought ANC territory was Durban side??
Where in RSA are you.... I thought ANC territory was Durban side??

Hi Ian

I am planning a nice little overall view of area's and regions and stuff for later. Not now though. I know from past experience that if I start that now I will still be up tomorrow Morning.

At the moment taking the UPS, Charger and Battery through their paces. Only another 30 Minutes to go. So far so good

All the best,
You live in a fascinating part of the world, TV
I have visited RSA twice, both work related visits.
The return flight to the UK did not take off until late afternoon, so I could take the long "scenic route" to the airport.
Up one little side road, I was driving along and two monkeys wandered across the road in front of me.
I was rather surprised and the thought flashed through my head :
"You just don't see that sort of thing on the road to Peterhead"

Hi Tvtech,

Are you a girl? Sure not, maybe you are attracting experts for kind answers hee hee Same way I am not 'Willen' actually. I am from south-east Asia and was beginner of electronics few years ago. Some experts was irritated to me and some scold me too (due to my VERY basic and frequent questions), though I wanted to learn everything. Due to shy from public scold, I left the account and made another, which is 'Willen'. I selected a name 'Willen' feeling that it sounds American and can attracts to American experts. An expert MrAl once asked about 'Willen' name I felt amazing why he asked, then I said truth to him. I don't know if I composed amazing American name hehe

Yes, my electronics career has been started from ETO and going on. I never went engineering college or institute, I am just a hobbyist! Really having so fun! No more parts are easily available in my part so some ETO member helped me parts too! I am also addicted by ETO actually!

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You are OK

Me, I just mosey around. And try and speak sense now and again.

Good person Raj

Hi Willen, I doubt if anyone was scolding you because of your name! I live in a country which welcomes people from all over the world, so lots of non-english names around! I don't judge anybody by it, and I doubt if other forum users do too. Probably they got frustrated for other reasons.
In the west they have advance technology only because they need it badly to spy on each other and to kill each other with it.
You disguising yourself as a westerner and your belief that western culture is superior is disgusting.
You shouldn't be ashamed with what you are.
Hi moty,
Experts was not scolding me because of my real name sure (because of my very basic and frequent question instead), But I wanted to change another account and tried a name with American flavour to attract American experts. Just a child's psychology! In the field of technology, westener changed the whole world I think.
the closest thing to a jungle where I have lived is a bar in San Diego called Dick's Last Resort, where patrons can listen to live rock bands , one day is all you can eat Crabs and the patrons are encouraged to throw balls of crumpled paper napkins to each other to socialize until the floor is covered by the end of the nite. bras hang over the bar as evidence of a good time.

oh ya and the zoo in SD has animals free to roam with dividers while the visitors walk in protected cages.
Aside: (A funny story)
A student from NY was working at where I worked for a while and when he walked home and had to pass about 200' of a wooded area along a road, he walked in the middle of the street. When I asked him why, he said he didn't know what was "lurking" in the woods. Some of us might be afraid of walking the streets of New York. He was from Brooklyn.
Driving in NY is bad enough.
I had the time of my life driving thru NYC for the 1st time in a rental car coming back from an HP Power Supply factory in Rockaway NJ.

They had 2 inches of snow and semi's were sliding off the freeway.
Taxi's in NYC were going like snails and I was driving like a Winterpegger with a big rental car but driving it like an Austin Mini owner who knows how to do 4 wheel drifting on ice with the hand brake.

Driving down 5th avenue under full speed and full control whizzing past taxies Because we have experience driving on snow and this wasn't even icy.
Parking was another story.

peace of cake.

In NYC you just have to know how to walk with self-confidence. It's a certain style of walking known to newyorkers.

meanwhile the news reported a drugged out lady tried to flush her newborn in a restaurant washroom and lots of movement at nite in the back lanes.
but that was the 70's...
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