ETO Time to think...Probably the best out there.

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
Hi Guys

As you all know that visit the Members Lounge....I am from South Africa.

I have poured my frustrations out here regarding my job, those I work with and my whole feeling about what is happening to South Africa right now. And you are many that have witnessed my frustrated rants. Without exception, you have all stood by me.

This Forum is exceptional in the way it handles it's loyal Members. I have been blessed with understanding good people....cranky sometimes, but good nevertheless. Cranky folks make up the best of all though.

Anyways, to cut a long story short....I decided to log out here and look around a few days see what other Forums are out there that can compete here.

And I mean in EVERY way....not just Electronics....but a good place to hang out. Like Members Lounge here. It is like where Adults talk about stuff and Newbies don't venture to.

Found some Sites with restrictions.....

I don't really know what to say....ETO is clearly doing something right though.

There is no Eric on those Forums. There is no Nigel on those Forums There is no Ian on those Forums. Guessing games are what they are about. I don't like that.

You all know tvtech...don't know = don't speak.

That is why I am back here. I have looked around and nothing out there impresses me. Too much good and honesty here.

That is what counts for me.

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If you are looking for another good forum check this place out. it's #1 on my forums list with ETO sitting at #3.

All engineering types here. Well ran, highly diversified, and fair moderation too! Clunky site layout though. Takes a bit to get familiar with but once that's done its a nice place to go.

I am the same tcmtech there as here and anywhere else you see me as well. I'm too lazy to use different screen names.
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I would agree, CR4 is a really nice forum. They recognize homework really quickly though.

I like it that way! Weeding out the lazy and clueless is always done fast there.

That and the "kick the clueless half wit around" threads with the over unity nutters, extremists, or 'just too clueless to get it' try to pass off their nonsense as legitimate science or soon to be up and coming major revelations that will either turn science, physics, chemistry, world commerce, or politics as we know it on it's head.

Around here I seem to get banned and have posts or whole threads disappear for such actions.
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