everyone's comments required...new project cum case study..

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hi Nigel and everyone...

i am simran from India... (embedded systems designer cum student)

i am having one case study...

i want to make one device for my uncle's factory as:

"my uncle wants to monitor the factory through cameras fitted over there.. through his home... and factory is at a distance of around 30 Kms "

can anyone tell.. which protocols etc. can be used...

can internet be used for this purpose...

this can be called as embedded internet...


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Give it a try like this:

Get a DSL connection at factory n at home, 256Kbps would be enough for this test.

Plug in cam with computer n start netmeeting with auto answer option.

Call your factory DSL ip from netmeeting, you can see factory area sitting anywhere in the world except firewalls r not there.

If you need multiple cameras then you have to develop a software, there r some availbe on interent.
You could have a look at Zoneminder:
It is free and runs on Linux, has capabilities to view and control cameras remotely using a web interface.
You can either add it to an existing Linux build (takes a while to configure) or take the much easier option of downloading a pre-built "LiveCD" linux package with the software already loaded and have it up and running very quickly.


very regards for this help...

these both ideas by X4ce and Picasm are wonderful...

i'll soon try this out..

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