Ex CTV and BW television production instruments for sale

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Hi All

I have been asked by the owner of this equipment to find out if there would be any value attached to it (historical or otherwise).

I photographed the equipment this morning and can confirm that there are multiple identical units of some of the instruments and they all appear to be in reasonable condition.

They have been in storage for +- 10 to 20 yrs.

Your thoughts please.

Thank you


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A somewhat eclectic mix of equipment you have there TV.

Most of it seems to be 1960s vintage, particularly the RF based items.

If this lot was in the UK my opinion is that non of it would be worth more than £20 -£30 at most.
Then you would have to find an enthusiastic amateur who has a Japanese - English dictionary to hand.
Whether any of it would be of interest to the bottom end of industry I don't know.

As most of it is obviously made for the Japanese market, what is the mains input voltage?
From experience, it may be that they are designed for a 100 Volt mains supply, with no provision for selecting a higher (230) voltage.

Also, I guess that this lot is located in the RSA, you are in a better position than anyone else to judge market demand an prospective value of these things in the local market.
Shipping costs would reduce the value of these items to zero for the European market, unless someone really wanted one as a novelty item.

Hi Jim

Its 220VAC stuff that was bought from a TV factory in Lesotho that closed down.

The owner is thinking of donating all of it to a local electronic training college. But they wont have a clue about some of the valve equipment...heck they are not even taught about valves anymore.......
But they wont have a clue about some of the valve equipment
Well, that sounds like an educational opportunity...
get the old books out and start learning!

Consider, a signal generator is a signal generator is a signal generator.
Who cares what is inside the box as long as what comes out of the socket is x dBm at y MHz.

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